Monday 2 January 2012

Zen 366


A few days a week we have "movie-free" days.  We started doing this when we realised that even though we don't have TV, somewhere along the way we had digressed to just letting the kids watch movies for hours on a daily basis.  It probably coincided with their brilliant decision to start waking up at 4:30am. Some days will fly past and we wouldn't have even thought about watching movies, and others I have to fight the urge to just pop them in front of the happily waiting babysitter every hour. Seeing as Zen was sick and therefore watching movies all day yesterday, today we needed to get away from the screen.  Zen's not really much of a sit and do activities kind of boy, so finding fun things to do on movie free days can be quite a challenge.  Luckily, my mother-in-law is amazing and bought us the coolest toddler-friendly game.  It's the first time we've ever seen Zen really get into an activity.  It's called Bright Buttons and it encourages imagination and curiosity.  I was actually amazed at how focused and accurate he could be.  Feeling very grateful for fun games that the kids can enjoy, but mostly for more excuses to spend time with the little munchkins.


  1. bright buttons and move-free days, what great ideas.

  2. That game looks brilliant!

    And I totally get what you mean about too many movies, they get obsessed witht their favourites don't they?!
